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Glossary of key terms

Term Meaning
Registry A database repository for information about a computer's configuration and the configuration of the installed software. It is organized in a hierarchical structure, and is comprised of subtrees and their keys, hives, and value entries
Registry key A folder that appears in the left pane of a Registry Editor window. A key can contain subkeys and value entries. Like a directory in the file system.
Registry value Values contain the actual information stored in the Registry. There are three types of values; String, Binary, and DWORD. The use of these depends upon the context. Like a file in the file system.
Registry entry The same as registry value, see above. Sometimes also used as synonym to the registry key, see above.
Win9x Windows 95, 98, 98 SE or ME based operating system
Item Item in the list, i.e. one line of the list
Case sensitive The program sees the words "Test", "TEST", "test" and "TeSt" as different words.
Not case sensitive The program sees the words "Test", "TEST", "test" and "TeSt" as the same word.

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